the third world dept is the poor countries dept the poor countries are the third world hello is gay and ameh rfor pusyols
Dept? What is dept? Dept. (note the period) is an abbreviation for department but that is surely not what you mean. There is no such English word as dept. Of course, there is no such English word as tge either.
Third world country, on it's way to become a second with (socialism).
no it is not
It is the Group of 77. It also can be categorized as the "third world bloc" "The Group of 77 (now consisting of 125+ nations) is the largest and is still sometimes thought of as the Third World Bloc."
A pro of third world debt relief is that it gives countries the chance to develop. A con is that the money could have been used in your own country.
lick this
the contries with 3rd world dept are the ones who are poor
being tortured
the northern sidde of the world lends monney to the southen and they cant re-pay the debt so it is called the third world debt
Third World Dept means people from other countries that don't have any food or money and have to make sleeping arrangements on the floor.
Yes in the end they will sell your dept on. If you are in dept, go and get advice/help as soon as you can, there are plenty of FREE advice services that can help you.
Third World debt is external debt incurred by Third World countries. Third World debt is external debt incurred by Third World countries.
Third World countries.
No. World Airways Flight Planning Dept.
Hitler and Germany
Debt is a liability for business as it is taken from third parties for running business and refundable to third parties on the event of liquidation or maturity date whichever come first.