The courts decide questions of law, which is the juducial branch. In the US, the highest court is the US Supreme Court.
In the United States the US Supreme Court decides if laws meet the requirements of the US Constitution.
legislativeAnother View: WRONG! It is the Judicial Branchwhich interprets the Bill of Rights, an integral part of the US Constitution.
Stare decisis is the guiding principle for courts that makes decisions predictable and consistent.
Previous Judicial Decisions
makes legal decisions on the basis of earlier decisions by other courts
Appellate court
It depends on the type of court. Ultimately the Judge has the final say in a criminal court.
Any court that seats more than one judge or justice makes decisions based on a simple majority. Many intermediate appellate courts use panels of three judges; only two of the three judges must agree to form a majority. The US Supreme Court and all state supreme courts (or their equivalents) make decisions by a simple majority vote.
the prime minister does
it makes laws clarifed
the supreme court makes rulings that have been surpassed by the smaller courts. This being decisions such as gay marriage rights and other major decisions.
Adam Smith said that each person makes decisions based upon supply and demand.
Common law focus' on precedent and makes decisions based on previous similar cases- although I'm not sure if "custom" falls into the same category
Private company makes thier own decisions