Nothing, Government already has TOO MUCH POWER! (=_=v) The real answer is The Constitution. And how so? By the system of Check and Balances
checks and balances
checks and balances
The system of checks and balances within the government keeps one branch from gaining power over another, thus reducing the risk that anyone branch (presidential/ legislative/ judicial) could gain power and create a dictatorship.
It keeps any branch form becoming too powerful. Each branch of government limits the power of the other branches.
Checks and balances of the government.
checks and balances
checks and balances
The system of checks and balances within the government keeps one branch from gaining power over another, thus reducing the risk that anyone branch (presidential/ legislative/ judicial) could gain power and create a dictatorship.
The Checks and Balances set up by the United States Constitution. Each branch has power(s) over the others that keep them from gaining too much control over the government.
Checks and balances is the system that keeps each branch of the government from gaining too much power. Essentially, each branch exercises a certain amount of control over the other two, and this control prevents one branch, and therefore a limited group of people, from creating a tyranny.
The 2nd Amendment
The system of checks and balances allows each branch of government to undercut actions of another if it finds those to be in violation of the Constitution. The president can veto legislation, the Congress can impeach the president or block his budget. The Supreme Court can declare legislation of the Congress unconstitutional if it rules that way.
Checks and balances
Checks and balances
The executive government branch...Oh and the president.