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Functionally, the Roman Empire (not the Roman Republic) was a combination Oligarchy/Dictatorship. The Emporer governed in a manner with near-dictatorial power; however, the Roman Senate continued to exert some power, primarily that of the purse. That is, the Senate generally controlled taxation levels (and other means to raise funds), which it used as a negotation lever with the otherwise all-powerful Emporer.

By the time of the Roman Empire, the Senate had ceased to be anything approaching a democratic body. Instead, it was very oligarchical in nature - only wealthy, powerful men could be appointed, and membership was primarily determined by an individual's power base (usually, inside Rome itself). Thus, there were no Senate elections anymore, and Senators held their office as long as they could retain enough support in the populace - this support was generally perceived as either through popular opinion, or the ability to gain alliances with powerful people.

The Emporer was nominally hereditary and perpetual, but backroom power politics resulted in the appointment (and deposing) of Emporers both inside and outside the "royal" family tree. Senators, on the other hand, were generally demogagues (surviving on being masters of currying general public favor) or skilled political operators (those able to gain support of the powerful and wealthy families and groups which made up the upper levels of Roman society).

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13y ago
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13y ago

The Ancient Roman civilization started as a Monarchy, then in 509 CE it became a Republic. After Julius Caesar was murdered because he had too much power, his adopted son and nephew (Octavian/Augustus) became Emperor, and Rome became the Roman Empire.

So it was a monarchy, republic, and later an empire.

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15y ago

In early Rome there was the Senatus Populusque Romanus (SPQR). This translates as The Senate of the People of Rome. This senate was an oligarghy where landowners and generals came together in a sort of parliament and voted on important decisions. The word for this is an Oligarchy. Later on were the first Emperors of Rome. This meant that in some cases the Senate was not used or was only used in an advisory capacity, meaning that the Emperor was a dictator or an Autocrat.

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12y ago

Your question answers itself. The name "republic" tells you that the Romans had a republic type of government. In a republic, the citizens elect officials to speak for them and to rule them according to set principals.

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13y ago

They copied the Greeks' ideas. so really its hard to say.

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14y ago

they were a Monarchy government until after the reign of Trarquinius Superbus then they became Republican.

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11y ago

Early ancient Rome had a monarchy for the first 244 years and then a republic for 482 years.

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it had a representative democracy

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13y ago
  • Democratic
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Q: What type of government did the roman republic have?
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