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Q: What kind of landforms lies between hills or mountains?
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What kind of landforms are in Romania?

Plains and hills, mountains and lakes, rivers and sea

What kind of landforms does Georgia have?

mountains ranges, hills, lakes, rivers ,and concrete streets

What kind of landforms does Germany have?

hills and lakes and mountains and glaciers and you should look it up your self

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What kind of landforms is in Argentina?

There are mostly mountains.

What kind of landforms are in gurgaon?

The major landforms are yamunna river and aravali hills

What kind of landforms does Washington DC have?

mountains rivers and oceans.

What kind of landforms are in the west?

I'm not to sure but they do have rocky mountains.

What kind of landforms are in Thailand?

plains,plateus,rivers, and mountains

What kind of landforms make up the altiplano?

The Fork Mountains make up the Altiplano.

What kind of land forms are on earth?

Earth has a variety of landforms. There there sandy shores and beaches, flat plateaus, mountains both older and newer, rocky hills, islands, lakes, rivers, etc.

What kind of landforms happen from earthquakes?

Mountains of tectonic plates i think!