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A Direct Democracy.

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Q: What kinda of government is it when all citizens share in running the government?
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A government in all citizens share in the runnning of the government is called in anicent Greece?

Democracy (Greek: Δημοκρατία).

What are The set of values and beliefs about a nation and its government that most citizens share is called?

political culture

The set of values and beliefs about a nation and its government that most citizens share is called?

public opinion

What department of federal government protects a citizens civil rights?

The supreme court and executive branch share this job

What are the different forms of government a society may have?

monarchy, republic, DemecracyA government is a the direction and control of citizens in a certain place, a society is a group of people who share the same belief.

What do citizens of a country share?

citizens of a country often share a common history, customs ,and values answer by el nino

Are there concurrent powers that are shared by both the federal government and the states?

D federal power is limited while state power is unlimited

Who does the governor share power?

the citizens

What as US citizens do all share?

As US citizens we all share the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States. We also share the United States flag as our symbol of Americanism.

What as us citizens do we all share?

As US citizens we all share the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States. We also share the United States flag as our symbol of Americanism.

What ideas do American citizens share with early Romans?

The United States shares several ideas with the early Romans. The Romans had a Republic that was overseen by an representative government very similar to what America has today.

How do you get back a traded exp share LeafGreen?

WHAT?!?You traded a Pokemon that was holding an EXP. SHARE?!?Well....I am very much sorry,but that sort of thing is kinda impossible.