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in 1778 the congress passed what is called the northwest ordinance act.this was a way for the states to push into the Indians land and the french,others may inprove on this answer but its a start.

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I think you are referring to the Northwest Ordiance, sometimes the Ordance of 1787. It was more of less based on the Ordinance of 1784.

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Northwest ordinance

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Q: What law was passed in 1787 that established a system for creating new states from the western territories?
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The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 was one of the most important laws passed under the Articles of Confederation. This law established?

A policy to admit western territories as equal states.

The northwest ordinance of 1787 established what precedent for new territories?

The precedent established by the Northwest Ordinance was the equality of new states with old states. The act was passed on July 13, 1787.

What important measure passed under the Articles of Confederation address slavery and established a process for statehood?

The Northwest Ordinance of 1787, which had two distinct prohibitions: there could be no slavery within the boundaries of the territory, and no law that would impair a contract could be enacted. The importance of the Northwest Ordinance of 1787 was that it provided the foundation for the creation of later territories within the Union and established the process by which territories became states.

What important measure passed under the articles of confederation addressed slavery and established a process of statehood?

The Northwest Ordinance of 1787, which had two distinct prohibitions: there could be no slavery within the boundaries of the territory, and no law that would impair a contract could be enacted. The importance of the Northwest Ordinance of 1787 was that it provided the foundation for the creation of later territories within the Union and established the process by which territories became states.

How did the Northwest Ordinance of 1787 help the US Grow?

The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 (or the Northwest Ordinance, as it is now referred) helped the US grow by creating the first organized territory of the United States, the Northwest Territory. This territory contained land from the Great Lakes to west of the Ohio River and east of the Mississippi River. The Ordinance also abolished slavery in the new territory, which helped lead the way for further growth as a slave-free nation. The ordinance also created Ohio, Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin, and Michigan.

What is a set of laws to measure the western lands?

The Land Ordinance of 1785 established a system for surveying and dividing western land into townships and sections in the United States. This system helped facilitate the orderly sale and settlement of western territory.

What would the Wilmot Proviso do if it had passed?

..banned slavery in all the new territories acquired from Mexico.

How did parliament try to limit the expansion of the colonies in 1763?

King George 3 and the British Parliament tried to limit colonial expansion. They passed an act to prohibit western settlements. They did this because the expansions were costing the British money in defending the territories from the Indians.

Which Canadian territory was split several times to create other territories and provinces?

July 9, 1993, the Canadian Parliament passed the Nunavut Land Claims Agreement Act and the Nunavut Act. April 1, 1999 Nunavut officially split from the Northwest Territories and became a Canadain territory. The western half staying as the Northwest Territories and the eastern half becoming Nunavut. July 9th every year is Nunavut day in Canada.

Was the same-sex marriage law passed?

Yes. In some US states, laws were passed. In all US states and territories, however, same-sex marriage is now legal as the result of a ruling by the US Supreme Court. The situation in Canada is identical. Mexico is moving towards the situation. Most countries in Western Europe have passed laws legalizing same-sex marriage, as has South Africa, Uruguay and Argentina.

The North gave up its demand for an end to slavery in all the territories Congress passed a new?


What event happend first endangered species act passed national forest service created Department of the Interior created national park serivce established?

Department of the Interior established -- 1849 Division of Forestry established under Department of Agriculture -- 1881 Forest Service established -- 1905 National Parks Service established -- 1916 Endangered Species Act passed -- 1966