Shays' Rebellion took place in 1786 in Massachusetts due to post-war depression, economic problems, lack of hard currency, and harsh government policies. The main outcome was hopes for solving the state's debt problems.
Shay's Rebellion alarmed the government because they were afraid a civil war would erupt. Protesters prevented some courts from sitting.
Nathaniel Bacon? I second it, Bacon led this rebellion. :)
Nat Turner led the 1831 slave rebellion in Virginia. It was also known as the Southampton Rebellion.
Willliam Berkeley was governor of the Virginia colony during the rebellion led by Nathaniel Bacon.
Daniel shays
Military army
Taxes required of poor farmers
Shay's Rebellion alarmed the government because they were afraid a civil war would erupt. Protesters prevented some courts from sitting.
the rebellion was led by daniel shay
He was a farmer and he did not want to pay any tax because he fought in the revolutionary war to get freedom from the king.
Wu Wang led the rebellion.
Whiskey rebellion
Daniel Shay led the rebellion that undermined the article of confederation.
shays rebellion
The Boxer Rebellion
The first rebellion against King James II was led by the Duke of Monmouth, who was beheaded after the rebellion was stopped. Another rebellion was led against him by Archibald Campbell, who was also executed by beheading.