Twenty-sixth amendment
21, 1972
VAP stands for Voting Age Population
The minimum age for voter registration is 18.
voting starts at the age 18 because they are considered mature, responsible and can related to laws and voting for an official to run certain parts of the world.
The legal voting age is typically set at 18 because it is considered the age at which individuals are mature enough to make informed decisions. Changing the legal voting age would require an amendment to the Constitution, as the 26th Amendment currently guarantees the right to vote for individuals aged 18 and older.
18 is probably a good age because it is the age a person becomes "Legal" and Legally responsible for their actions.
There is no maximum age for voting in Australia.
Minimum voting age is 18 in India.
Legal voting age in state of Va.
The voting age is 18 in all states.
Voting age across the US is 18 everywhere
The legal voting age is 18 in Minnesota
The voting age in Russia is 18 years old
In cuba you can start voting at the age 16.