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The Italian Peninsula, in geographic terms, was advantageous in establishing an empire due in part to its location. The peninsula is located in the middle portion of the Mediterranean Sea, allowing for relatively quick travel to all regions of the Mediterranean world. To the north of the Italian Peninsula lies the Alps, the mountainous range that prevents cold fronts and winds from reaching further south, giving Italy a warm climate compared to the rest of Europe. This warm climate allowed for many resources and crops to be harvested here exclusively, such as olives and wine. On the topic of agriculture, the soil is very fertile and surplus food allowed for rapid population growth. The many rivers of the region also helped for irrigation purposes, and aqueducts were later constructed to transport water. As for strategic defense, Italy was well protected as it is entirely surrounded by water on three sides, and the land portion to the north was guarded by the fierce Alps, making it extremely difficult for invaders to mount an invasion.

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Q: What main advantage did the Italian peninsula offer for establishing an empire?
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What Vastly expanded Persian territories establishing the which was the largest the world had ever seen?

Cyrus the great; Persian Empire

What were the arguments for and against establishing an American empire?

The supporters of an American empire thought annexing the Philippines would provide economic and military benefits. It would provide the U.S. with a naval base in Asia, and a large market for American goods. They also believed that America had the duty to teach "less civilized" people how to live properly. Those who didn't support annexation thought that the cost to run an empire would outweigh the economic benefits that it provided. They also believed that imperialism violated American principles.

Which european country established the largest imperial empire?

The greatest European powers included Rome, Holy Roman Empire, France, and the Byzantine Empire.

What are the characteristics of an empire?

The two basic criteria are: Emperor & Empire.

Who conquered biggest ever land empire?

The biggest Empire in the world was the British Empire, it was the biggest Empire the world has ever seen by far! It stretched right around the globe and a saying was born "the sun never sets on the British empire" because a part of the empire was always in daylight. Here is a map of the world, bits marked red was under British rule: AS a matter of fact the mongolian empire was the biggest ever seen It was ruled by chinggis khan. And it was 4 times the roman empire at its peak. However, when chinggis khan died, the empire shrunk a lot. The empire is the size of Europe and china together!

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What main advantage did the Italian peninsula offer for establishing and spreading the roman empire?

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the location of the peninsula contributed to roman control of the mediterranean region.

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Most of the Italian peninsula were enemies of Rome. However when Rome took control of Italy, the rest of the peninsula became allies of Rome to further expand the empire after the fall of the king.

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The Romans took over the Italian peninsula by conquests and alliances.

What advantage did the Italian peninsula offer for establishing an empire?

The Italian Peninsula, in geographic terms, was advantageous in establishing an empire due in part to its location. The peninsula is located in the middle portion of the Mediterranean Sea, allowing for relatively quick travel to all regions of the Mediterranean world. To the north of the Italian Peninsula lies the Alps, the mountainous range that prevents cold fronts and winds from reaching further south, giving Italy a warm climate compared to the rest of Europe. This warm climate allowed for many resources and crops to be harvested here exclusively, such as olives and wine. On the topic of agriculture, the soil is very fertile and surplus food allowed for rapid population growth. The many rivers of the region also helped for irrigation purposes, and aqueducts were later constructed to transport water. As for strategic defense, Italy was well protected as it is entirely surrounded by water on three sides, and the land portion to the north was guarded by the fierce Alps, making it extremely difficult for invaders to mount an invasion.

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