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Q: What must vote on whether to approve the selected judge?
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Who must approve the person selected as an arbitrator?

Management and labor must approve the arbitrator.

Who must approve a vice-president selected by the president?

Both houses of Congress must approve such a selection.

What must approve people selected by the president to serve in the federal courts and cabinet?

The US Senate must approve or disapprove such appointments.

Who must approve of every candidate for judge that the president appoints?

it is the house of representatives

How do judges in North Carolina get there jobs?

They are nominated by the President with the "advice and consent" of the Senate. The Senate must vote whether to approve or reject the President's How_do_federal_judges_get_their_jobsbefore the judge can be appointed.

When A trip has been cancelled the traveler selected expenses were incurred what procedure must be followed?

DTS automatically creates a voucher: the traveler must sign in and the AO must approve it.

When a trip has been cancelled the traveler selected expenses incurred what procedure must be followed?

DTS automatically creates a voucher: the traveler must sign in and the AO must approve it.

What is one way the legislative branch checks the power of the judicialbranch?

Congress must approve federal judge appointmen.

What is one way the legislative branch check the power of the judicial branch?

Congress must approve federal judge appointments

What is one way the legislative branch checks the power of the judicial branch?

Congress must approve federal judge appointments

Is it necessary for a judge or court to decide or approve of an emancipation of a minor?

Yes, in most cases, a judge or court must approve the emancipation of a minor. This process usually involves a legal petition and a court hearing where the judge determines if the minor is capable of supporting themselves and making informed decisions.

A lawyer can and the judge will determine whether the action can continue or if it must be stopped?
