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These are often called leftists.

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Q: What name is given to liberals radicals and revolutionaries?
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What name given to liberals radicals revolutionaries?


What name is given to liberals radicals revolutionaries?


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Radicalism is just a nick-name.

What name was given to supporters of the constitution?

Republicans although more to do with supporters of a republic in general. for people who want to keep the constitution the same are called conservatives, and those who would alter/modify it are liberals, those who want to completely change it are revolutionaries. hope this helps

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The code name for the French revolutionaries in A Tale of Two Cities is "Jacques."

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The revolutionaries in Paris referred to the Catholic church as "Pantheon," which means temple for all the gods. This name was given during the French Revolution in the late 18th century as part of the effort to secularize the church and create a space to honor important French figures.