There is a lot that is true about anything. One true thing about a battle with an armada is that it was fought on the water because that is the definition of an armada.
No, the passengers on the mayflower were Puritans, not Quakers.
A group of Quakers formed it
The king owed him money. To allow Quakers to escape persecution in England.
Contrary to popular belief the Quakers did not like the government, or anyone else that did not agree with their belief, not the other way around.
The duration of One True Thing is 2.12 hours.
no they are not
One True Thing was created on 1998-09-18.
One True Thing was released on 09/18/1998.
The Production Budget for One True Thing was $30,000,000.
Thank God, Nowhere, because one thing I doubt (but am not qualified to say) most and hopefully ALL Quakers do not want is dominance, over anyone, now or ever!
One True Thing grossed $26,708,196 worldwide.
One True Thing grossed $23,337,196 in the domestic market.
Not anymore!