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The National Woman Suffrage Association.

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Q: What organization supported a constitutional amendment to grant women the right to vote?
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What did the Fourteenth Amendment grant to former slaves apex?


The power of the presidents to grant amnesty is am example of the presidents what?

The President has the constitutional power to grant pardons.

Does constitutional law take precedence over case law when a State constitutional amendment conflicts with the US Constitution?

The US Constitution takes precedence over state constitutions when there are conflicts between amendments, per the Sixth Amendment Supremacy Clause. The US Supreme Court can't nullify a state constitutional amendment unless it has an opportunity to grant certiorari to a case challenging the state constitution, however. Case law relevant to conflicts between state and federal constitutional conflicts would invariably support the federal constitution. If the State constitutional amendment isn't ruled unconstitutional by the State supreme court, the US Supreme Court would overturn the amendment (if it truly represents a constitutional conflict). In one recent example, New Jersey voters ratified an amendment to their state constitution allowing them the prerogative to recall Congressmen with whom they were dissatisfied. The New Jersey amendment is unconstitutional under the US Constitution, but the Supreme Court can't do anything about it until voters attempt to recall a Senator or Representative and someone with standing (the Senator or Representative himself) files suit contesting the action. The case would have to go through the New Jersey court system and the NJ Supreme Court decision appealed to the US Supreme Court before the federal court could make a determination. The process could take several years, or the amendment could remain part of the NJ constitution indefinitely, if it's never acted upon.

What group did the twenty second amendment give the right to vote to?

The 22nd Amendment limits the terms of the President and Vice-president. It does not grant voting rights.

Where were women first granted suffrage in the US?

The territory of Wyoming was the first to grant women the right to vote in 1869, prior to the 19th Amendment. It became a state in 1890.

Related questions

What organization supported constitutional amendment to grant women the right to vote?

The National Woman Suffrage Association.

What organization supported a constitutional amendment To grant women to the right to vote?

The National Woman Suffrage Association.

What organization supported a constitutional amendment to grant a women the right to vote?

The National Woman Suffrage Association.

What organization supported a constitutional amendment to grant women the rights to vote?

The National Woman Suffrage Association.

What orginization supported a constitutional amendment to grant women the right to vote?

The suffragettes

What organizations supported a constitutional amendment to grant women the right to vote?

The National Woman Suffrage Association.

What are Three strategies used by woman suffragists to obtain their goal?

They were; Suffragists tried to convince state legislature to grant women the right to vote. Women sat in on court cases and tested the 14th Amendment, saying if men are citizens who can vote and women are citizens, why can't women vote?. Lastly, Women pushed for a national constitutional amendment to grant women the right to vote (19th Amendment).

What was President US Grant's opinion about Catholic schools?

US President US Grant had a fear and dislike of Catholicism and the educational "system" they had established in the US. Grant believed that no government funds should be given to religious schools. Grant even considered for pushing for a Constitutional amendment to bar vouchers even indirectly helping Catholic schools.



What 3 strategies were adopted by suffragettes to try and win votes?

First, they tried to convince state legislatures to grant women the right to vote. Second, women pursued court cases to test the 14th Amendment, which declared that states denying their male citizens the right to vote would lose congressional representation. Third, women pushed for a national constitutional amendment to grant women the vote.

Amendment to the declaration of war with Spain that stated the US would grant Cubans their independence after the war?

The Teller Amendment

What did the 13th amendment of the US Constitution grant?

it gave the right to free slaves The 13th Amendment abolished slavery. Because slavery was not given as a Constitutional right, this amendment is not amending a specific article of the Constitution, it is simply making slavery unconstitutional. The amendment was necessary because in 1857, the US Supreme Court ruled that slavery was legal.