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The Preamble. (:

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Preamble :3

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Q: What part of the Constitution lists six goals for the national government?
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What part of the constitution lists six goals for the government?

the preamble

Is national government in the constitution?

CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES sets forth the nation's fundamental laws.It establishes the form of the national government and defines the rights and liberties of the American people. It also lists the aims of the national government and the methods of achieving them.

What part of the constitution lists its six goals and states that the US are the authority for the constitution?

The Preamble

In assigning the powers of government the Constitution states?

lists the powers given to national government and the powers denied the states and leaves all other powers to the states

What is the united staes?

A Constitution is a document that establishes the government and serves as a guideline for that government. It lists the branches, leaders, and powers and limitations of the government. The men who wrote our Constitution were well versed in law and politics. They realized that a Constitution is a guideline for government. They developed a document that could be changed with the times. They provided for a system of government, federalism, that took into account the powers of the state with a national government that respected states' rights but also allowed for the national government to be the supreme law of the land.

What is the name of the document that lists the rules for our nations government?

The United States Constitution, or The Constitution of the Unites States of America, I believe.

What part of the constitution that lists your individual rights that the government must protect?

The Bill of Rights

The constitution mentions the national languages in which schedule?

It doesn't. There is no reference whatsoever to a "national language" in the US Constitution.Perhaps you are thinking of the Indian Constitution, which lists the official national languages of India in schedule the EIGHTH Schedule.

What are the other two lists besides the state list mentioned in Indian constitution?

national list , union territory list

What does he constitution do?

The constitution describes how the government will be organized and provides specific lists of things the government may and may not do. The beauty of the Constitution of the United States has been its brevity. Constitutions of other countries have been too long and have become confusing and have been ignored.

Why does the US need the constitution?

The Constitution is the supreme law of the land and organizes the entire government structure and lists the powers of each branch of government. Without a constitution the United States would likely be more susceptible to abuses of power within the system.

What is the us constitucion?

The US Constitution is a document that lays out the bylaws and principle this great nation was founded on. It also defines the structure of our government, including all kinds of procedures for passing and enforcing laws, powers and limits of the different branches of the government, and even explains how the Constitution itself can be changed when that is necessary. There have been 27 amendments to the Constitution so far. It is in effect, the proclamation by which The People literally founded The United States of America.