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Q: What part of the i had a dream speech impacted you?
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How did martin Luther king Jr. impact us?

He impacted us by saying is i have a dream speech. By saying that speech he told us that color doesn't matter.

What part of speech is dreamy?

The word dreamy is an adjective. It means to resemble a dream.

What is Martin Luther King Jr's dream in the last part of the speech?

It is very important to understand the great speech given my Martin Luther King Jr. The last part of his speech, he has a dream that freedom will ring, that people of every color will be able to hold hands peacefully.

Was the speech you Have A Dream persuasive?

Is martin's speech "I have a dream" persuasive speech?

What was not part of the rhetoric of Dr Martin Luther King Jr's I have a dream speech?


What well-known speech did Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. deliver in 1963?

the speach that dr king make was "Eveybody dance now"

What Quotes uses parallelism?

“I Have a Dream speech”

What is the reflection for the I Have A Dream speech?

where he did the speech

What is the cause of the i have a dream speech?

the cause is that he had a dream so he desided to write about it and he called it i have a dream speech then he shared it with the world.

What part of speech is dream?

The word "dream" can be a noun (referring to a series of thoughts and images that occur during sleep) or a verb (referring to the act of experiencing dreams while sleeping).

Who is famous for his speech you have a dream?

MArtin Luther King Jr. And the speech said I have a dream.

What parts of speech Dream?

It can be a verb - to dream It can be a noun - I had a dream