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He is an independent candidate for President of the United States

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Q: What party affiliation does Ralph Nader belong too?
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What third political party is Ralph Nader in charge of?

It changes. Last I knew it was the Green Party.

What party does Quentin Bryce belong too?

She does not belong to any party, her office is independent of political affiliation.

Which third party ultimately cost Al Gore the presidency in 2000?

That was the Green Party with their candidate Ralph Nader.

What minor party's role in 2000 presidential election contributed to the defect of the Democratic party candidate?

That was Ralph Nader of the Green Party.

Which minor party's role in the 2000 presidential election contribute to the defeat of the democratic party candidate?

Ralph Nader and the Green Party.

Which minor party's role in 2000 presidential election contributed to the defeat of the democratic party candidate?

Ralph Nader and the Green Party.

Which minor party's role in the 2000 presidential election contributed to the defeat of the democratic party candidates?

Ralph Nader and the Green Party.

Which minor party role in the 2000 presidential election contributed to the defeat of the Democratic party candidate?

The Green Party

What is the name of the third party which was led by environmentalist Ralph Nader that took votes from Democratic presidential nominee Albert Gore in the 2000 election?

Green PartyThe party that was led by Ralph Nader that took votes away from Al Gore in the 2000 presidential election is called the Green Party.

Who is Ralph nader is he a democrat a republican and what kind of person is he?

Ralph Nader is a famous American political activist, particularly known for his advocacy in the area of consumer protection. He belongs to neither major party, and is a political independent. He ran for president in 2000 as a member of the Green Party.

Who was the Green Party presidential candidate in 2000?

Ralph Nader was the Green Party nominee in 2000. He may have tipped the election in Florida.

Which minor parties role in the 2000 presidential election contributed to the defeat of the Democratic Party candidate?

The Green Party