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third party are those party which given service to the company of bpo through other.

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Q: What party stood for the third parties?
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Related questions

What is the plural of third party?

The plural of third party is third parties.

What third parties stood for prohibition party - progressive party or greenback party or free soil party or know nothing party or bull mose party?

The Progressive Party represented prohibition.

What was the third party?

There never has been a third party system . Two parties have dominated.

What are some political parties going on in the US in 2012?

The major parties are the Republican and Democratic parties. Third-parties include the Liberatarian Party, the Green Party, the American Party, and the Constitution Party.

What was the third party system?

There never has been a third party system . Two parties have dominated.

What are the parties which are not in the majority party known as?

In the United States, a political party that is not one of the two major parties is referred to as a third party.

The prohibition party and the Alaskan Independence party are examples of what party type?

Third parties

What is a significant party outside the two dominant parties in the US?

a third party

The libertarian party is an example of what?

In politics, the Libertarian Party is an example of a third party. The Green Party and the Constitution Party are other examples of third parties.

What is a third-party?

A political party organized as opposition to the existing parties in a two-party system.

What is the third parties?

what is a third party collection call

How does a third party accept novation?

The third party adopts the rights and obligations of one of the parties under the old contract