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The phrase "For imposing taxes on us without our consent:"

This is from the now famous taxation without representation cry.

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Q: What phrase in the declaration refers to Stamp Act?
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What phrase refers to the Stamp and Townsend act from the grievances of the king in the declaration of independence?

"For imposing Taxes on us without our Consent"

What phrase in the declaration refers to Tea Act?

Nothing in the Declaration of Independence refers to the Tea Act. But the Tea Act was to protest England's monopoly on American trade which is one of the main reasons why the Declaration of Independence was written.

Where does the declaration object to the stamp act?

it doesn't.

What did the stamp act of congress of 1765 accomplish?

made the Declaration of Rights and grievance

The Stamp Act Congress adopted the?

Declaration of Rights and Grievances

Was a colonial protest against the Stamp Act?

yes, the declaration of rights

The Declaration of Rights and Grievances was written to protest which law?

The Stamp Act (1765)

What is the term that means to cancel such as the stamp act?

the introduction of the declaration of independence is called

Was the stamp act an action or reaction to the revolutionary war?

Neither. The Stamp Act preceded the Revolution and was one of the "long tain of abuses" cited in the Declaration of Independence.

What was the Act that led to the phrase no taxation without representation?

The stamp act led to the phrase no taxation without representation.

In 1765 it issued the Declaration of Rights and Grievances which claimed the rights of Englishmen especially the right not to be taxed without consent?

stamp act congress

Why was the Stamp Act important to the Declaration Of Independence?

it was never important in human history because of segregation.