It doesn't connect. The ordinance came after 1776. The Declaration of Independence was a list of problems to the king and declaring independence.
The decloration of independance
the Declaration of Independence
Americans agree to the Declaration of Independence in
Was the declaration of Independence in declaration hall.....declaration hall doesnt exist. Its independence hall you are thinking of. And yes it was created and signed there.
Declaration of Independence does.
That phrase "We the people..." is not in the Declaration of Independence. It is in the US Constitution.
The Declaration of Independence
God of the Christian Bible!
Declaration of Independence
Give me Liberty or give me death. This was a phrase spoken by Patrick Henry who was asking for the Declaration of Independence to get independence for America from England.
life, liberty and the preside of happyness
It doesn't connect. The ordinance came after 1776. The Declaration of Independence was a list of problems to the king and declaring independence.
All men are created equal (Declaration of Independence).
We don't have the phrase you were given so we can't answer the question.
Nothing in the Declaration of Independence refers to the Tea Act. But the Tea Act was to protest England's monopoly on American trade which is one of the main reasons why the Declaration of Independence was written.