He was a Republican, of moderate views (which is to say, he opposed the Terror.) He headed a group that were called after him--the Dantonists.
Feuillant - political group - was created in 1791.
The political arm of a special interest group is the Political Action Committee, or PAC. This group can legally fund raise on behalf candidates or political parties.
the political arm of an interest group?
The difference is that a political party is part of how a politician is identified and interest groups are groups that focus specifically on certain issues. Depending on the issue interest groups tend to support a political party. For instance the NRA which is for less strict gun control laws associates themselves with the Republican Party. An interest group that is supportive of equal rights for all Americans would associate with the Democrat Party.
political machine
I don't know guys help me!?!?!?!
Associate means to group
A political group is called a "party" or "political group"
Robespierre was a leader of "les montagnards", a hard-line group in the French assembly. "les montagnards" (the mountaineers) were named such because they occupied the upper seats in the assembly room.
Feuillant - political group - was created in 1791.
The political arm of a special interest group is the Political Action Committee, or PAC. This group can legally fund raise on behalf candidates or political parties.