Because they were at the highest position in the Caste System, people believed they were Godly-mandated that is why their advice and opinions were highly respected. People did everything they say even the local governments.
For what period does the vise president of India hold hold office?
When a government is thought to be assigned by divine authority by its citizens, this is called a Theocracy. The ruler hold all of the political and religious power in a butt
She holds the position of President of India. ?
to hold supreme power!
Hold on to political and economic power.
Hold on to political and economic power.
What do you mean by ''hold''?
david camoron
Hold on to political and economic power.
Soverignty is located with the people who hold the power.
It was an oligarchy.
That the power will belong to the people
To hold on Political and Economic Power
They elected assemblies
the state and government political parties_cities n towns_states