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The job of the president is to enforce the laws. The job of Congress is to legislate laws. Together they do the business of the government. The president doesn't share power with congress, but has his own duties. Congress checks his power by not passing laws, not approving appointments, approving the budget or not, and he needs approval of congress to declare war. Constitution tries to make a balance of power between the branches. Sometimes one branch will try to gain more power from other branches. Watergate changed the office of the president and it's power.

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Q: What power does the president share with the senate?
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Did the president share power with the senate?

approving a bill.

The powers that the president shares with the Senate include?

One of the powers that the president shares with the senate is to appoint judges. Another power that they both share is to enter into treaties with other countries.

What power does the Vice President have in the Senate?

The Vice President of the United States is the President of the Senate. There is no Vice President of the Senate. He has the power to cast a deciding vote to break ties, and is present when the electoral college votes are counted.

Which two groups share power in the selection of federal court judges?

Both the Executive and the Legislative branches share the power of appointing federal judges. The President will appoint someone, and the Senate has to approve it.

What power does the Vice President have over Senate?

The Vice President's power over the senate is only to break a tie and to run the senate meeting.

What is the power given only to the senate?

The senate has the power to or reject important appointments made by the president

Who Act as president of the senate?

The Vice President of the United States is the President of the Senate.. He can not vote unless there is a tie but he can vote to break a tie. Such is his only power.

What power does the president of the senate have?

I assume you mean the US Senate. From the Constitution: "The Vice President of the United States shall be President of the Senate, but shall have no Vote, unless they be equally divided."

Who has power over the senate?

The Vice President of the United States is the President of the Senate. The vice president has the authority to preside over sessions and debates.

What power is given to the vice president according to article 1 of the constitution?

Article One of the Constitution gives the Vice President power to preside over the Senate.

What body has the power to impeach a US president?

The Senate

What power does the senate have in a case of wrongdoing?

the can impeach the president