Herbert Hoover spoke Chinese with his wife when they did not want to be overheard in the White House.
The first president to appear on television was Franklin Delano Roosevelt. He spoke on April 30th, 1939 at the opening ceremonies of the World's Fair, but Harry Truman was the first president to give an address from the White House, occurring in 1947.
That last president that spoke a foreign language fluently was Herbert Hoover. He spoke the Chinese language absolutely beautifully. jimmy Carter could some speak Spanish- I do not know how fluently.
John Adams (1797-1801) Barack Obama (2008-2016)
Lincoln spoke generally about the human cost of war
Ronald Reagan had that nickname. Interestingly, in the 1930s, he was a radio announcer, and used the air-name "Dutch Reagan."
Herbert Hoover and his wife probably knew some Chinese. That is my best guess- correct me if you know better.
Herbert Hoover spoke Chinese. He learned it when he lived in China. He and his wife, Lou Henry often spoke it in the White House when they wanted to fool eavesdroppers.
Herbert Hoover and his wife both learned to speak Mandarin Chinese when they worked in China and reportedly spoke in that language when they did not want white house staff to know what they were talking about,
Calvin Coolidge's family spoke in sign language when they did not wish to be overheard
Herbet Hoover
the first president who spoke on radio was wilson.
No, Persian people never spoke Chinese.
The vice president. Next in Line would be the Speaker of the House, and right now that would be Nancy Pelosi . Vice-President Biden merely mis-spoke today. This is why , outside of very secure places, like the White House , you seldom see the President and Vice-President together.
He spoke Chinese and Arabic.
Category: U.S. Presidents Answer: When this president & his wife didn't want to be understood by others, they spoke to each other in Chinese. Question: Who is Herbert Hoover?
The first president to appear on television was Franklin Delano Roosevelt. He spoke on April 30th, 1939 at the opening ceremonies of the World's Fair, but Harry Truman was the first president to give an address from the White House, occurring in 1947.
I think that Emperor Qin spoke that language.