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the printing of paper money by Congress and the states

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the Continental Congress raised money by printing new issues of paper money to pay for the war.

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Q: What provided most of the money raised by the continental congress for the revolution?
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How did Esther Reed help the continental army?

he raised money

What did the second contenental congress accomplish?

The members of the Second Continental Congress were a less cautious bunch than the delegates to the First CC. Militants had taken many of the conservative places. Fighting had started and the Second Continental Congress agreed to appoint George Washington as commander of the colonial troops around Boston. He would become Commander of all the continental forces. Not yet ready to declare independence, they issued a "Declaration of the Cause and Necessity of Taking up Arms" in 1775. By June, it appeared that independence was gaining popularity and Richard Henry Lee of Virginia introduced the resolution for independence from Great Britain. The Congress appointed a committee to form the Declaration of Independence, with most of the work done by Thomas Jefferson. The Congress then adopted the Declaration, acted as the government for the colonies during the war, raised an army and navy, approved the creation of the Articles of Confederation, and negotiated the peace with Great Britain

What president raised the debt ceiling most?

The President cannot raise the debt ceiling. It is set by Congress.

How many times has Obama raised the national debt ceiling?

The President cannot raise the debt ceiling. Only Congress can do that.

What was the first US national government?

The first national government was the Second Continental Congress. It raised funds and coordinated the activities of the various colonies during the Revolutionary War. The "Articles of Confederation" was not a government but a document, drafted in 1777. They effectively governed the practices of the Congress even before their ratification in 1781. Under the Articles, the US government consisted of only one federal institution - a congress in which each state received just one vote. It was led by an officer they called "a President." Congress had the power to oversee the military. John Hancock was the President of this congress from May 24, 1775 to October 31, 1777. The Articles of Confederation were replaced by the US Constitution, which was ratified in June, 1788. The following year, the first President of the United States, George Washington, took office.

Related questions

Who provided most of the money raised by the continental congress for the revolution?

The rich families of the colonies provided most of the money raised by the Continental congress for the revolution. A few examples of these families was the Adams of Massachusetts and the Richard Henry Lee of Virginia.

What was the Continentil army?

The army that was fighting for the continent: the army raised by the Continental Congress of 1775, with George Washington as commander.

What is an effect of Commander is needed for Continental Army?

Two days lster the members of Congress were ready to announce thier decision. John Hancock serving as president of Congress declared that Washington had been elected "tobe General and Commander-in-Chief of the forces raised and to be raised in the defense of American liberty.

How did Esther Reed help the continental army?

he raised money

Why is the 2nd Continental Congress important?

The Congress adopted the Declaration, acted as the government for the colonies during the war, raised an army and navy, approved the creation of the Articles of Confederation, and negotiated the peace with Great Britain

Who was the victorious general at Saratoga?

who raised funds for the revolution

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What were the three steps taken in the second continental congress?

1. raised armies by creating continental armies. 2. appointed diplomats and sent them to Europe. 3. allowed for the arrangement and ratification of formal treaties; starting with offering peace to Britain.

Raised funds for the revolutionduring the American revolution?

Robert Morris

What was the first war the US took part in that was partially financed with lottery dollars?

The first war the US took part in that was partially financed with lottery dollars was the Revolutionary War. Money was raised by the Continental Congress because it did not have a means by which to tax the American people.

What was the major achievment of the second continental congress?

The members of the Second Continental Congress were a less cautious bunch than the delegates to the First CC. Militants had taken many of the conservative places. Fighting had started and the Second Continental Congress agreed to appoint George Washington as commander of the colonial troops around Boston. He would become Commander of all the continental forces. Not yet ready to declare independence, they issued a "Declaration of the Cause and Necessity of Taking up Arms" in 1775. By June, it appeared that independence was gaining popularity and Richard Henry Lee of Virginia introduced the resolution for independence from Great Britain. The Congress appointed a committee to form the Declaration of Independence, with most of the work done by Thomas Jefferson. The Congress then adopted the Declaration, acted as the government for the colonies during the war, raised an army and navy, approved the creation of the Articles of Confederation, and negotiated the peace with Great Britain

How did Beethoven affect the french revolution?

he raised a goldfish named Napoleon, which morphed into the famous war-hero, refulting in the french revolution.