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Whisky Rebellion

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Q: What rebellion did George Washington put down with too much force?
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What leader put down the whiskey rebellion?

George Washington

How did the whiskey rebellion reveal George Washington's concern with the national security?

The Whiskey Rellion revealed George Washington's concern with national security because he was the leader of the rebellion and Alexander wanted everyone exected

Who was the leader that put down whiskey rebellion?

George Washington

What was the name of the 1794 Rebellion in Pennsylvania?

Washington put down The Whiskey Rebellion through a show of force.

Did George Washington personally command the troops that put down the Whiskey Rebellion?


Which president prove the power of the federal government by putting down the whiskey rebellion?

George Washington

Who was the first president to call on military troops to stop an armed rebellion?

George Washington called out the troops to put down the whiskey rebellion.

How did Washington administration deal with The Whiskey Rebellion in Western Pennsylvania?

George Washington took with him 13,000 federal soldiers to crush the rebellion but before he arrived it had dispersed.

How was the Whiskey Rebellion a vitctory for the federal government?

This was an example of the federal government's new power, under George Washington. Previously the Articles of Confederation left the federal government useless due to the states' rights supporters. Though the Whiskey Rebellion was not an extremely large rebellion, Washington sent a large military force to put it down, showing its new power.

Who put down the Whiskey Rebellion?

President George Washington personally lead a federal militia against the rebels. The rebellion occured not far from Philapelphia, which was then the Capital of the nation.

Leader who put down the whiskey rebellion?

President George Washington personally lead a federal militia against the rebels. The rebellion occured not far from Philapelphia, which was then the Capital of the nation.

What did the whiskey rebellion show about Washington?

By George Washington choosing to put down the Whiskey Rebellion himself, he showed that the country's issues were important to him and that he was more than a decision maker and figurehead.