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Farming Revolution

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Q: What revolutionary change took place during the Neolithic Age?
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What revolutionary change took place during Neolithic age?

Farming Revolution

What took place during the Neolithic Age?

The farming revolution took place during the Neolithic Age.

What revolution took place during the neolithic revolutions?

The farming revolution took place during the Neolithic Age.

Was the War of 1812 before or after the Revolutionary War took place?

After--the Revolutionary War took place during the 1700s.

What major change took place during the Neolithic age?

One major change that took place during the Neolithic Age was the transition from a nomadic lifestyle to a settled, agricultural lifestyle. This led to the development of agriculture, domestication of plants and animals, and the establishment of permanent settlements. This shift allowed for a more stable food supply and led to the development of complex societies and the rise of civilizations.

What significant or Major change took place during the Neolithic age?

One significant change during the Neolithic Age was the shift from hunter-gatherer societies to settled agricultural communities. This transition led to the development of agriculture, domestication of animals, and permanent settlements. It also marked the beginning of more complex social structures and the emergence of specialized labor roles.

How did life change during Neolithic revolution?

People were no longer nomadic and they could stay in one place to create government, religion, protection, art, building temples, and a society.

What lifestyle change during the Neolithic Revolution contributed to the development of cities?

The shift from a nomadic hunter-gatherer lifestyle to settled agriculture was a key lifestyle change during the Neolithic Revolution that led to the development of cities. Farming allowed people to produce surplus food, which supported larger populations. This concentration of people in one place led to the growth of settlements and eventually the development of cities.

Where did the book The Copper Treasure take place?

During the Revolutionary War

When does the book My Brother Sam Is Dead take place?

It takes place during the Revolutionary War.

Revolutionary War words X Y?

Xavier Cathedral cemetery was the burial place for people who died in the Battle of Vincennes during the Revolutionary War. Yorktown (Virginia) was the scene of a battle during the Revolutionary War.

When does the book Toliver's Secret take place?

Toliver's Secret takes place during the Revolutionary War.