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the rights of the people to alter or to abolish their government.

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Q: What rights do all people have according to the Declaration of Indepenence?
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According to the declaration of indepenence the fundamental purpose of government is to do what?

To secure our unalienable Rights. Among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

What is the first truth mentioned in the declaration of indepenence?

creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness

According to the declaration who gave the people rights?


According to the declaration who gives people their rights?

The government

According to the Declaration of Independence the basic rights of the people come from?

Its really The basic rights of the government come from the people :)

Which right is not given to US citizens in the U.S. constitution?

there were no rights actually listed in the declaration of independence, the declaration of Independence was basically a letter to the king saying that they want the freedom they believe they are entitled to, though the ideas that were put into the declaration were later stated in the bill of rights. but there were no specific rights were listed in the declaration of indepenence.

According to the declaration of independence if a government does not protect the basic rights of the people it governs what do people have the right to do?

they would not have many rights

According to the writers of the Declaration of Independence and the Framers of the Constitution who has unalienable rights?

all people

According to the declaration of independence what should the government do?

According to the Declaration of Independence, the government should protect the rights the people have been given. Should the government fail in this fundamental duty, the people have the right to overthrow the government.

According to the Declaration of Independence what is one responsibility that the people have?

Abolish the government if it is violating their natural rights

When are the people allowed to alter or abolish the government according to the Declaration of Independence?

when the government works against the rights of the people

What are the people allowed to do when a government works against the rights of the people According to the Declaration of Independence?

alter or abolish the government