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his role was to play as being the President of the United States .

he was part of the executive branch

he also had to do his duty and enforce laws

and help write the constitution

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. As the first President, George Washington set the standard for how the Presidents would use the office. He decided the President should use all the power he had, should "consult" the Congress by seeing representatives in his office, or having them vote on his nominations for Cabinet Secretaries. That there should be some pomp and ceremony to the office.

It could have been that Congress decided what the country would do, and the President only followed its directions. Washington decided the President should lead, and Congress stick to passing the laws.

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10y ago

George Washington was the chairman of the constitution.

(For the most part the Chairman is the moderator of the board meeting. It is up to the Chairman of the Board to lead the board members from their initial varying points of view or decisions to making a decision in the best interests of the company, organization, or political group. The Chairman must also preside over the meeting itself and ensure the meeting is not too long, off topic, or otherwise unproductive)

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In 1787 Washington's concerns about the disintegration of the nation prompted him to serve as a delegate to the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia. He presided over the convention, and his support was key to ratification of the newly proposed Constitution.

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Q: What role did George Washington play in forming the first national government?
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