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The Vice President is the President of the Senate. While this job is often delegated to a Senator, to act as president pro tempore, the Vice President has the actual job. The responsibility of the President of the Senate, whether the VP or the president pro tempore, is to cast a deciding vote in cases of a tie. However, the VP can only cast a vote at that time, while the president pro tempore can vote in all occasions a normal senator can. Thus the president pro tempore essentially has 2 votes, with only one used in most cases.

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The Vice President is the President of the Senate

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Q: What role does the Vice President play in Congress?
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What role did political play in the election of 1796?

No role. The congress still selected the president .

What is the Vice-President's only substantive role in Congress?

The Vice-President presides over the senate, and is obligated to cast the tie-breaking vote, should one be necessary. In cases other than tie votes, however, the Vice-President has no official voice in either house of congress.

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He oes not have a role. The vice president is President of the Senate.

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No, the president and vice president do not vote on laws before they are passed by Congress. The legislative branch, which includes Congress, is responsible for drafting, debating, and voting on proposed legislation. The president's role is to either sign bills into law or veto them, while the vice president's role is to preside over the Senate and only vote in the event of a tie.

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No role. The congress still selected the president .

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the role of the vice president is to............? i have no idea good luck

What roles did political parties play in the election of 1796?

No role. The congress still selected the president .

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