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she went to barringer high school with my step mom

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Q: What school did bloody Mary go to?
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What is the school nickname?

bloody mary

Is carnell elementary school haunted?

Yes Bloody Mary lives there

Who killed bloody Mary?

Bloody Mary was the queen of England. She had a driver named bloody she wasn't paying her driver enough so one day her driver told her to go in the closet and he killed her with a knive so that's why bloody Mary has a knive and her name has the word "Bloody" in it!

Should you go to school with a bloody nose?

Its your choice! You don't have to go to school, but i think you should. Its just a bloody nose!

Where did the story of candyman come from?

it comes from bloody Mary it comes from bloody Mary it comes from bloody Mary

What is the proper way to summon bloody Mary from the mirror?

there isn't a way to summon bloody mary because bloody mary is not real, there is no proof at all if bloody mary is real. You shouldn't summon someone who deserves to rest if she is real

Who will win bloody Mary or a vampire?

Bloody Mary

Was there a thired Bloody Mary?

No there was not a Bloody Mary the third

Did the Bloody Mary got it's name from Bloody Mary Tudor?

No, the cocktail "Bloody Mary" is named after "Queen Mary I of England".

Where did bloody Mary live?

Bloody Mary lived in the mirror

Where was bloody Mary born?

She was born in England!! She is really queen elezibeth go to WWW.queen or www. is bloody Mary queen that has all the ansewers

Did Bloody Mary's parent's have a bell tied to her wrist?

How many people did bloody Mary kill? How did bloody Mary die?Is she real?when we say bloody Mary 13 times what will she do or what will happen?