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Q: What secretary of state erroneously told the press he was 3rd in line of succession for the presidency when the president was injured?
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What secretary of state erroneously told the press he was 3rd in line of seccession for the presidency when the president was injured?

Alexander Hague

Who is the first cabinet officer in the line of succession for the presidency?

The first cabinet officer in line for the presidency is the Secretary of state, who is behind the vice-president, the Speaker of the House and president pro tempore of the Senate.

Who is the last cabinet officer in line of succession for the presidency?

The last cabinet officer in line of succession for the presidency is the Secretary of Homeland Security. The second to last cabinet officer in line is Secretary of Veterans Affairs.

Where does the speaker of the house fall in the order succession of the presidency?

According to U.S. Code, the Speaker of the House is first in line after the Vice-President to act as President when neither the President nor the Vice President is available, willing, able and qualified to do so.If there is no House Speaker, or if the House Speaker is not able and qualified, the Presidency goes to the holder of the office highest on the following list who is able and qualified:the President pro-tempore of the Senatethe Secretary of Statethe Secretary of the Treasurythe Secretary of Defensethe Attorney Generalthe Secretary of the Interiorthe Secretary of Agriculturethe Secretary of Commercethe Secretary of Laborthe Secretary of Health and Human Servicesthe Secretary of Housing and Urban Developmentthe Secretary of Transportationthe Secretary of Energythe Secretary of Educationthe Secretary of Veterans Affairs

Who is the first person in the line of succession for the Presidency?

Vice President of the United States Speaker of the House President pro tempore of the Senate Secretary of State Secretary of the Treasury Secretary of Defense Attorney General Secretary of the Interior Secretary of Agriculture Secretary of Commerce Secretary of Labor Secretary of Health and Human Services Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Secretary of Transportation Secretary of Energy Secretary of Education Secretary of Veterans Affairs Secretary of Homeland Security

Related questions

What secretary of state erroneously told the press he was 3rd in line of seccession for the presidency when the president was injured?

Alexander Hague

Who is the first cabinet officer in the line of succession for the presidency?

The first cabinet officer in line for the presidency is the Secretary of state, who is behind the vice-president, the Speaker of the House and president pro tempore of the Senate.

Where does the President pro tempore of senate fall in the line of succession of the US presidency?

after the Speaker of the House and before the Secretary of State

What is the entire order of succession to the presidency if he or she should die?

The order of succession is: (1) Vice-President, (2) Speaker of the House,(3) President Pro-tempore of the Senate,(4) Secretary of State, (5) Secretary of the Treasury.

If neither the president nor vice president can serve?

The succession of the presidency after the Vice President is The Speaker of the House of Representatives, then the President Pro Tempore of the Senate, and then the Secretary of State. From that point, the succession descends through the cabinet officers.

Who is the last cabinet officer in line of succession for the presidency?

The last cabinet officer in line of succession for the presidency is the Secretary of Homeland Security. The second to last cabinet officer in line is Secretary of Veterans Affairs.

Who is th esecond person in the line of succession for th epresidency?

President (Obama), Vice President (Biden), Speaker of the House (Boehner), President pro tempore of Senate (Inouye), Secretary of State (Clinton). You can find this on Wikipedia under "succession of presidency"

Who precedes the secretary of labor in succession to the presidency?

The secretary of commerce. our current soc being Gary Locke.

Who becomes president after the secretary of homeland security?

After the Secretary of Homeland Security, the next in line for the presidency is the Attorney General. If the Attorney General is unable to assume the presidency, the line of succession continues with the Secretary of State, followed by other cabinet secretaries in the order that their departments were created.

List the succession to the presidency in case of an emergency?

Succession doesn't happen unless the president dies. but to answer your question, the first four people after the president are: 1: Vice President, if he dies then: 2: Attourney General, if he dies then: 3: Speaker of the house of representatives, if they die: 4: Secretary of Defence of the initial president before people started dying

Where does the speaker of the house fall in the order succession of the presidency?

According to U.S. Code, the Speaker of the House is first in line after the Vice-President to act as President when neither the President nor the Vice President is available, willing, able and qualified to do so.If there is no House Speaker, or if the House Speaker is not able and qualified, the Presidency goes to the holder of the office highest on the following list who is able and qualified:the President pro-tempore of the Senatethe Secretary of Statethe Secretary of the Treasurythe Secretary of Defensethe Attorney Generalthe Secretary of the Interiorthe Secretary of Agriculturethe Secretary of Commercethe Secretary of Laborthe Secretary of Health and Human Servicesthe Secretary of Housing and Urban Developmentthe Secretary of Transportationthe Secretary of Energythe Secretary of Educationthe Secretary of Veterans Affairs

What is the line of succession to the President through the Secretary of State?

Fourteen people are in the line of succession for the U.S. Presidency from the secretary of transportation. But it could be worse, if we're talking about the secretary of veteran affairs, there are 17 people. The line of succession for the U.S. presidency is vice president, speaker of the House, and president pro tempore of the Senate. If they all die, then the job passes to the president's cabinet in this order: secretary of state, secretary of the treasury, secretary of defense, attorney general, secretaries of the interior, agriculture, commerce, labor, health and human services, housing and urban development, transportation, energy, education, and veteran affairs. During the president's annual State of the Union address, in which all of the above would be likely to be in attendance, one random cabinet member stays away each year to ensure that there'll be someone to take over the reins of government if the Capitol dome caves in.