He/she is the head of the party.
When the President and the majority of Congress are of the same political party, the principle of separation of powers becomes diluted. It begins to defeat the purpose of the checks and balances system.
Please specify which president.
The Democratic political party was formed to promote a loose construction of the Constitution and a strong central government. The Democratic Party believes the Constitution is only a guideline.
The party that believed in loose interpretation of the constitution and strong ties with Great Britain was the Federalist Party, which only birthed one president, John Adams. Presently, loose interpretation has been recognized with the Democratic Party.
political party leader
No. There is no mention of political parties in the Us Constitution. They did not exist in the US when the Constitution was written and I don't think most of the framers even thought about the possibility of their formation.
There is no unwritten constitution, especially in the United States. However, some believe the origination of a two-party country existed after the constitution was drafted.
According to the Constitution the President of the United States is elected based on the votes cast from each state. Each political party chooses their own candidate to represent them.
The constitution was created before political parties were, so neither
supposedly democrats. although look at the president we have now, didn't keep any of his promises. also, the libertarian party.
He/she is the head of the party.
No, they have to be of the same political party.
No, the party system is not mentioned in the Constitution.
to be head of the political party
Nobody outlawed political parties in the US. The framers of the Constitution did not anticipate their formation and Washington did not like them. Congress outlawed the American Communist Party while Eisenhower was President.
When the President and the majority of Congress are of the same political party, the principle of separation of powers becomes diluted. It begins to defeat the purpose of the checks and balances system.