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all people are equal in the eyes of the law

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Q: What significant roman concept of law was written into the US constitution?
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What is Constitution of the Roman Republic?

510 B.C.-about 44 B.C.The Roman Constitution was based on 12 written laws and ancient traditions.Responsibilities were divided between various assemblies; membership was limited by class, order, family, and income.In times of military emergencies, a single dictator was chosen for a term of six months to have control of the Roman state.Rome had a written constitution and a system of checks and balances through the various assemblies.The Roman Senate developed during the Republic; senators were the aristocracy and politically influential in the state.Full citizens of Rome were free, property-owning men; these citizens and their families were divided into two classes: patricians, who were wealthy and held most political offices, and plebeians, who were the average citizens.

What sources did the Framers of the Constitution get their ideas from?

They got ideas from the Roman Republic and their own brains.

Who was the roman leader whose ideas influenced both octavian and the future writers of the US constitution?


How does the US government differ from the Roman Republic government?

In Rome there was an obvious divide between the rich and poor, and they were represented by difference branches of government. In the US, the constitution states that everyone is equal before the law regardless of wealth. The Roman constitution had three branches: the legislative (based on the Athens democracy), the executive (based on the Spartan oligarchy) and the judidical (based on the previous monarchy) and the US constitution was a vast improvement on this.

why, The Roman Constitution called for the government to be made up of the senate, the legislative assemblies, and the executive magistrates. This is an example of?

the separation of powers.

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Roman citizenship is of no importance to our society as it disappeared more than 1,500 years ago, with the end of Roman civilisation. However, the Roman concept that citizens have rights, is still important as we also have this concept.

Why did the Roman historian Livy write about Cincinnatus?

Cincinnatus was written about as an example of the ideal Roman citizen.Cincinnatus was written about as an example of the ideal Roman citizen.Cincinnatus was written about as an example of the ideal Roman citizen.Cincinnatus was written about as an example of the ideal Roman citizen.Cincinnatus was written about as an example of the ideal Roman citizen.Cincinnatus was written about as an example of the ideal Roman citizen.Cincinnatus was written about as an example of the ideal Roman citizen.Cincinnatus was written about as an example of the ideal Roman citizen.Cincinnatus was written about as an example of the ideal Roman citizen.

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What number does Roman Numerals not have?

Romans did not understand the concept of a zero.

Is there a roman numeral for 0?

No! Nor did the Romans figure the concept of negative numbers.

How would the Romans describe salvation?

Roman religion did not have a concept of salvation. When Christianity became the main religion of the Roman Empire, the Christian concept of salvation was adopted and was described in the Christian way.

What is the significance of the Roman numeral "0" in historical chronology and numerical systems?

The Roman numeral "0" is not used in traditional Roman numerals. However, the concept of zero as a placeholder in numerical systems was a significant development in the history of mathematics and chronology. It allowed for more efficient and accurate calculations, paving the way for advancements in various fields such as astronomy, engineering, and finance.

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