To answer a question we need a who, where, what, when, where, and how. Your question leaves out who.
Not enough political support to renew, with the withdrawl of the government funds and the banks weekend
government bank
No, they have no business controling banks. A degree of regulation and oversight is in order but a bank owned by a private individual or share holders should remain in their hands since they are the ones that own the company.
banks, investors and vendors
The federal government and the states.
The federal government and the states.
The federal government and the states
banks, investors and vendors
Not enough political support to renew, with the withdrawl of the government funds and the banks weekend
The duties of a collection lawyer is to collect debts, fees and payments from clients of their company. Collection lawyers represent banks, the government and other creditors.
In the United States, it is not legal for the government to own commercial banks. If a bank is taken over for insolvency, it is the Federal Reserve that receives it. The Federal Reserve is a private agency and not part of the government.
No. The Government oversees the operations of all the banks but it does not own them. Nationalized banks are partially owned by the government but private banks are not owned by the government.