The federal government was granted the right to enforce federal laws, including the collection of protective tariffs. This was a power the federal government had not held before.
By the 1790's the revenue from tariffs provide 90 percent of the national government's income.
the government passed tariffs to raise taxes
support for economic development
The power to engage in war. The power to levy income tax.
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No. That belongs to federal government .
The federal government was granted the right to enforce federal laws, including the collection of protective tariffs. This was a power the federal government had not held before.
the right to enforce federal lawa, including the clloection of protective tariffs.
to help american buinesses
The US government may tax imported goods through a tax system called tariffs. US states have no authority over tariffs..
By the 1790's the revenue from tariffs provide 90 percent of the national government's income.
the government passed tariffs to raise taxes
support for economic development
The Treasury Department's active involvement in the economy.