The use of color was important in the days before television and the internet, and so there were two major color themes that were closely associated with women's suffrage: 1) The use of gold or yellow with a variety of other colors and 2) The use of British suffrage colors (purple, white, and green) and the American variant, which was purple, white, and gold.
observation :)
air or oxygen
john c calhoun
Bronislaw Malinowski
Government is most closely associated with imperialism.
Yes! "Which of these is most closely related?" The answer is "Australian ballot - Women's Suffrage."
The Boland Amendment is most closely associated with restricting U.S. government assistance to the Contras in Nicaragua during the 1980s, focusing on prohibiting the funding of military activities against the Sandinista government.
Natural selection is what is most closely associated with Darwin.
Microtubule producing centers are most closely associated with?
Women's rights
Frederick Douglass was closely associated with abolition.
A monopoly is most closely associated with the organization of a public utility.
The photographs of Jacob Riis, are most closely associated with atrocities.
The theme most closely associated with the government providing pensions for senior citizens is social security. Social security programs are put in place by governments to help provide financial support to seniors during retirement.