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Ghana, Mali, and Songhai, each overlapping each other as they expand one after the other

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

Ghana, Mali, and Songhai

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Mali, Ghana, and Benin.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Songhai, Benin, and Kongo.

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Q: What three countries in West Africa are named for ancient empire?
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What country in south Africa was named for an ancient empire of this region?

i dont give a africa

What country in southern Africa was named for ancient empire?

Mali , Ghana , and Benin.

What 3 countries in West Africa are named for ancient trading empires?


What three countries in West Africa are named for ancient trading empires?

Mali , Ghana , and Benin.

Why do you call it Ghana?

The nation of Ghana in Africa was named for the ancient Ghana Empire, or Kingdom. In the language used in that ancient kingdom, 'ghana' meant, "Warrior King", a name, no doubt, meant to frighten their enemies.

Who named the continent of Africa?

The continent of Africa was named by the ancient Romans. It referred to what is now the country of Tunisia and its meaning was "land of the Afri."

Where was the empire?

The Songhay Empire was located in West Africa from about 1340 to 1590, named after the predominant ethnic group of the region.

What 2 countries in Africa are named for the Niger river?

Niger and Nigeria.

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Sierra Leone

Where was the Songhai Empire?

The Songhai Empire was located in West Africa, primarily in the region that is now modern-day Mali and Niger.

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Which modern countries are where the ancient civilisations were?

What did the Romans call Africa?

The Romans didn't have a name for the continent of Africa, as we do, but one of the provinces of the empire was named Africa. The other provinces in the northern part of what we call Africa were, Egypt (Aegyptus) Cyrenaica, Numidia and Mauritania.