the legislative branch and the executive branch
The two branches of government that Locke appeared to recommend were a legislative branch and an executive branch.
The Executive Branch and Legislative Branch.
There are 3 branches in the United States. Executive branch- PRESIDENT (and vice president). They pass/veto bills, deal with foreign countries, appoint Supreme Court judges, etc. Legislative branch- CONGRESS. There are two houses of Congress, the House of Representatives and the Senate. They make laws. Judical branch- SUPREME COURT and the lower courts. They decide whether laws are constitutional or not, and keep justice.
One famous example happened just before the US Civil War. The US Congress the legislative branch passed a bill called the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854. The US president, the head of the executive branch signed the bill into law and as the executive branch does, it must enforce the law. Two branches of the Federal government used their powers to create this particular law. In 1857, the US Supreme Court, the judicial branch of the Federal government, exercised its power to check the other two branches by deciding the Act was unconstitutional. Here is an example of how two branches of government can be checked in balance by another one.
the legislative branch and the executive branch
The legislative branch and the judicial branch
the legislative branch and the executive branch
In the United States government, there is only one legislative branch, but it is divided into two sections-- the Senate (100 senators), and the House of Representatives (435 representatives). But other countries have their legislative branch set up in different ways--for example, in England, there is the House of Lords and the House of Commons.none, there are three branches of goverment, and they are executive, legislative, and the judical branch.
which amendment that congress has not sent to state legislature for ratification
The two branches that were in war are the Executive and Legislative branch of government
In the United States government, there is only one legislative branch, but it is divided into two sections-- the Senate (100 senators), and the House of Representatives (435 representatives). But other countries have their legislative branch set up in different ways--for example, in England, there is the House of Lords and the House of Commons.none, there are three branches of goverment, and they are executive, legislative, and the judical branch.
supreni cout and federal court how do u not know this its a easy question
The two branches of government that Locke appeared to recommend were a legislative branch and an executive branch.
The word 'branch' is a count noun; one tree branch, two tree branches; one bank branch, four bank branches; a river branch, several river branches.
The executive branch is related to the other branches because the executive branch passes the laws that the other branches have to follow. The executive branch also appoints members of the other branches.
On a Roosevelt dime there are two branches. One of the branches is an olive branch. The other branch is an oak branch. On the Mercury dime there is an olive branch on the reverse.