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the idea of freeing slaves and allowing minority groups as well as women the right to vote were unpopular ideas, who later became part of the constitution.

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Q: What two unpopular ideas later became part of the US Constitution?
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Who were the only two presidents to sign the US Constitution?

George Washington and James Madison signed the Constitution.

Why is George Mason important in US history?

George Mason was truly one of the Founding Fathers. He penned the Virginia Constitution which later became a groundwork for the US Constitution and especially the Bill of Rights. George Mason did not sign the constitution because he felt it was inadequate in its control of government power. George Mason is considered one of the proprieters of Libertarianism.

Constitution is the oldest in force today?

The Constitution of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Following approval by town meetings, the Constitution was ratified on June 15, 1780, became effective on October 25, 1780, and remains the oldest functioning written constitution in continuous effect in the world.Following approval by town meetings, the Constitution was ratified on June 15, 1780, became effective on October 25, 1780, and remains the oldest functioning written constitution in continuous effect in the world. Although the country of San Marino is the oldest surviving republic still in existence, it has a Constitution that is not from one single written source. The San Marino Constitution was adopted in 1974 and then later amended in 2002.

Whose work at the constituional convention earned him the title 'father ofthe constitution?

James Madison. He also responded to the call for a Bill of Rights which became the first 10 amendments. He was later the 4th President of the US.

What did George Washington sign?

George Washington signed the Constitution, Declaration of Independence, and your mothers reproductive organ (A.K.A Uterus)

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What describes an important outcome of the revolutions of 1848?

Answer this question…Ideas of nationalism and popular sovereignty became more widespread throughout Europe.

What English political thinker would later have his ideas expressed in the US Constitution and the Declaration of Independence?

John Locke .

Was James Madison president when he wrote the Constitution?

No. The Constitution was written in 1787. He became President in 1809, some 22 years later. Until the Constitution was written and ratified, there was not United States and there were no Presidents.

Which president wrote the Bill of Rights?

The Bill of Rights of the Constitution was written by James Madison who later became president.

What was James Madisons contributions to democracy?

James Madison's contribution to American democracy was to write the model that later was used to write to the constitution. He listened to everyone's ideas at the convention and then put all the ideas into writing.

Who was president who signed Treaty of Paris?

There was no Constitution when the Treaty of Paris was signed. Signer John Adams later became the second POTUS.

Could these two pairs of ideas be combined into a compound sentence-The days became longer The children could play outside later?

They could be combined in a variety of ways, the two simplest being: The children could play outside later as the days became longer. or As the days became longer, the children could play outside later.

Which basic principle of the Magna Carta later became one of the underlying ideas of the US Constitution?

The Magna Carta had alot to do with freedoms these barons wanted. We asked for some of the same freedoms. Also, while not exact, the idea of the right to a jury of your peers started here

How did the membership of the senate change over time?

More then 2,000 years later the farmers of the United States Constitution would adapt such Roman ideas as the senate.

Who were the only two presidents to sign the US Constitution?

George Washington and James Madison signed the Constitution.

Who was Cicero and how did he influenced the writers of the US constitution?

a political leader,writer,and Rome's greatest public speaker....&& he speeches and books swayed many Romans.Centuries later,his ideas would also influence the writers of the United States Constitution.

Pennsylvania founded 1681?

As a colony, yes, Pennsylvania was founded, or "chartered," in 1681. It later ratified the Constitution and became a state in 1787.