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Social and Cultural Amendments

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Q: What type of amendment has occasionally been passed in an attempt to improve American society?
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What type of amendment has occasionally been passed in attempt to improve American society?

Social and Cultural Amendments

What type of amendment addresses a political problem in attempt to improve the federal government?

Ploitical amendment

What type of amendment addresses a political problem in an attempt to improve federal government?

Ploitical amendment

How. did the fourteenth. amendment. and fifteenth. amendments improve the lives of Africans Americans?

the 14th amendment gave african american a citizenship and the 15th amendment it banned states from denying the vote to african americans

How did the fourteenth and fifteenth amendment improve the lives of African Americans?

the 14th amendment gave african american a citizenship and the 15th amendment it banned states from denying the vote to african americans

How did the constitution attempt to improve America's governance?

By negotiating

What do you call a change to the constution?

A change that is made to the Constitution is called an amendment. An amendment is usually a positive change made to improve something.

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They invested money into building schools and education.