He used evidence from landform, climate, and fossils to support his theory of the continental drift.
contrast the social contract theory of government with the divine right theory. what type of government would result from each theory?
Gutenberg invented the moveable type printing press.
AnYou have found a journal article that analyzes recent trends in genetically engineered crop research. This article would be considered which type of information?swer this question…
hm. Technically communism can mean government ownership of all property, but in theory, the people are the government and everything is equal. That seems about right but you may want to look into it more
Johannes Gutenberg is the father of printing in the Western world. He invented the first movable type printing press, which revolutionized the way information was spread.
The person who made the theory for Pangaea was Wegener Alfred made in 1910. Also, for more information type in goggle: Wegener's Evidence Booklet. Hope it helped you.
Alfred Wegener used evidence such as the fit of the continents, matching geological formations across continents, identical fossil species found on different continents, and similarities in rock types and mountain ranges as support for his theory of continental drift.
Alfred Wegner was a meteorologist. He beleived that the continents move. He had four evidence. One of them was the fossils. He would see a type of fossil on the east of South America and the west of Africa. another was that when he put the pieces in (continents) together he saw that they all fit like a jigsaw puzzle.he called the super continent "Pangaea". another was the climate in areas, and another was earthquakes and volcanoes.earthquakes and volcanoes occur mostly on tectonic plates.the scientists didn't believe his theory at first and they thought he was crazy because Alfred had no idea how the continents moved and why they moved.so the scientists didn't believe him. he called his theory"continential drift" because his theory was the the continents have moved in the past and are still moving today and will always move. Hope this was helpful!
With the information I have found about the subject in question, found on Wikipedia, it would appear that the theory of a blood type diet is just that, a theory. It has so far had no scientific evidence stating that it is true that it works.
...... Some one of his clues where he found the same dead plant body in Africa and South America,..... now,there could not be the same type of plant at 2 places could there... so he was right.......whitch came pangea.... glad i could help !!
Alfred Wegener used deductive reasoning in developing his continental drift theory. He collected evidence from different fields such as geology, paleontology, and climatology to support his hypothesis that the continents were once connected in a single supercontinent called Pangaea.
Alfred Lord Tenneyson wrote The Lady of Shalott' Type your answer here...
Which type of evidence was NOT used by Alfred Wegener to support his continental drift hypothesis human remains
Theory of mind is being able to attribute different mental states such as believes, intents and desires to yourself and others and to understand that other peoples beliefs and desires may be different from your own. You can get more information about Theory of Mind at the Wikipedia. Once on the website, type "Theory of mind" into the search field at the top of the page and press enter to bring up the information.
It is a Dramatic monologue.