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As a small business owner, I would say that people who have worked very hard and have a vested interested in hard-work-based growth of this nation have a great tendency to vote Republican. Also important is the flip-side of this answer: People with no interest in hard work or the growth of prosperity have a tendency to vote for Democrats. (this is not purely indicting to the poor, as I would venture to say that those of vast inherited wealth have a tendency to be liberal in correlative fashion equal to the amount of work they have invested in their own financial statuses...)

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Q: What voting block is most important in republican politics?
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Blocked many federal reconstruction policies and reversed many new reforms?

Democrats blocked many federal reconstruction policies, and reversed many reforms of the reconstruction legislature. This voting block was known as the Solid South.

What is office group ballot?

An Office Block Ballot is a type of electoral ballot in which the names of those running appears in a single column under a heading which states the office for which they are running. Office Block Ballot often list candidates in alphabetical order, which many have interpreted as being as inherent disadvantage to those who end up on the bottom of the column.

What violence against Republicans in the south caused the federal government to do what?

The South found their entire way of life change, including politically, with government loaded with Republicans, freedman, and carpetbaggers. White Southerners would use any means to block blacks and Republicans from further entering politics which included violence. The federal government sent military troops to the major cities in the South in an attempt to stem the violence.

What did Violence against Republicans in the South caused the federal government to?

The South found their entire way of life change, including politically, with government loaded with Republicans, freedman, and carpetbaggers. White Southerners would use any means to block blacks and Republicans from further entering politics which included violence. The federal government sent military troops to the major cities in the South in an attempt to stem the violence.

What is an example of a block grant?

Preventive health and Health Services block grant.

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Whites used to block blacks from voting?

I believe so............................................................................................................................

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Ben Block has written: 'Flagellum flagellated' -- subject(s): Politics and government, Great Britain

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The Irish immigrants to the United States received aid from two places. One was from the Catholic churches, as most of the new Irish were Catholic and from the Democrat Party who saw the new immigrants as a possible voting block for the politics in New York City.

What has the author Robert Block written?

Robert Block has written: 'The politics of projects' -- subject(s): Electronic data processing, Management 'Pictorial Price Guide of Marbles'

What was the name of the new political party formed to block the spread of slavery the Abraham Lincoln join?

the republican party.

Should Government be allowed to block access to websites based on local religions politics and customs?

No but your mom should :)

Why is it that since 1977 no president has waited longer than Obama for a labor secretary confirmation?

The answer seems to be politics. With many of President Obama's nominees, especially judges, the Republican-led congress decided to delay or completely block them from being confirmed, even though nearly all were very qualified. The political reason for the Republicans to do this was to deny Mr. Obama any wins, so they could then claim he was unable to accomplish anything and should be replaced with a Republican.

How do you interpret the centuries?

Please be more specific as to which centuries you mean. A century can be a period of time, a Roman voting block or a Roman army unit.

Which block is the most important block of the arch?

the block in the middle of the arch because without that block all the other blocks would cave in on themselves.

What is the purpose of the Canada Council for the arts?

To transfer taxpayer money to a voting block comprised of artists, under the guise of supporting, promoting and celebrating the arts.

Why is US having the web censored?

First off, the congress are still voting to see if they are going to. And they are doing it to block untrue information and hurtful commentary.