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It was used during the Navigation Acts of the 1950's, which caused the acts to not be enforced.

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Q: What was Benign Neglect during the 1700'?
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Park Place - 1980 Benign Neglect 1-2 was released on: USA: 16 April 1981

What was salutary negligence?

During the first half of 1700, England interfered vary little in colonial affairs. this hands off policy was called salutary neglect.

In the early 1700's the colonies had a prosperous trade economy due to what?

the policy of Salutary Neglect

If you are told to assume an attitude of 'benign neglect' what does that mean?

A policy or attitude of ignoring a situation instead of assuming responsibility for managing or improving it. (had to look it up)

What happened during the era of benign neglect?

The British payed little attention to the colonies and how they were doing until they started growing and becoming a major source for trade and wealth. Not until 1763 did the era end when Britain was in huge debt from the French and Indian War.

What was the relationship between the American colonists and the English during the middle of the 18th century?

continued to drift in a period of benign neglect

England during the 1700's?

In short, England during the 1700's was a filled with the revolutionaries hating the monarchies and revolting. In short, England during the 1700's was a filled with the revolutionaries hating the monarchies and revolting.

Given the histories of the colonies' founding and british benign neglect until the period just before the revolution was the American revolution inevitable?

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When was American Revolution?

During the 1700's

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Yes, a veterinarian can involve law enforcement if they suspect animal abuse or neglect during a visit.

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