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Allowing and granting the charter to the international bankers to establish the first bank of the United States, and the creation of the districts, and removing the sovereignty from the individual states.

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8y ago
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9y ago

There were several failures that occurred during Washington's presidency. Some of the main ones were going with Hamilton over Jefferson to build the country under a Federalist party, The Fugitive Slave Act of 1793, and problems with owning his own slaves in violation of Pennsylvania law.

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8y ago

He did a pretty good job overall considering he was the first president. Washington set the rules for the future presidents. I think to some extent he failed in his approach to how he treated the ordinary colonists. From reading about him I think he could be arrogant and snobbish. Reports from the constitutional convention state that as the leader of the convention he didn't say a word. There are also reports he wouldn't shake hands with people because he thought his hands were too big. His relationship with John Adams was also extremely contentious and he refused to talk to him or see him. I don't think he accepted advice from other people and as president this could be a big weakness. Another weakness may have been he followed a strict schedule and this may have killed him. When he died he had gone out on his morning ritual of checking on the plantation with a cold. It was a cold wet day and when he returned instead of changing out of his wet clothing he had breakfast as he always did. Within 3 days he was sick and died.

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18y ago

Pertaining to the Office of President, it was his failure to manage foreign affairs during the Napoleonic Wars, most notably the Chesapeake Affair.

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14y ago

The complet opposite. Washington set the standards for the United States presidency as we know it.

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9y ago

George Washington's worst failure as president was establishing the Fugitive Slave Act. This promoted slave trade to a great extent.

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9y ago

George Washington is not typically known for his failures, yet he was guilty of making some mistakes. Namely, even though he eventually let them go, Washington was a slave owner.

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13y ago

He did not work to put an end to the institution of slavery

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Kenyon Crapo

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1y ago

He was an Idiot

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Q: What was George Washingtons greatest failure as president?
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