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Franklin D Roosevelt's quarantine speech was given in Chicago, on October 5, 1937. He called for international quarantine by the aggressor nations. It was an alternative to the policy of American neutrality and its non intervention. It increased the American isolation mood and called for protests by the non intervening countries and foes

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On October 5, 1937, President Franklin D. Roosevelt spoke out about the war tactics of unnamed "aggressor nations." He was referring to the actions by Japan in its invasion of China, by Germany and Italy in the Spanish Civil War, and by Italy in Ethiopia. He suggested economic sanctions against warlike nations, which eventually became US foreign policy, especially toward Japan.

FDR was trying to suggest an alternative to open war in Europe and Asia by way of a US "quarantine" of aggressors like Mussolini (who had invaded Ethiopia), and the rulers of Japan (subjugating China and the western Pacific). US isolationists responded that he was trying to make the US the world's policeman. He was forced to back down for the moment. On December 12, 1937, the USS Panay (PR-5) was attacked by the Japanese while on patrol, killing two officers and 30 enlisted. War was again erupting despite the diplomatic efforts to keep the "epidemic of aggression" in check.

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Roosevelt's Quarantine Speech resulted in the modification of the Neutrality Acts.

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