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In general, a blacklist is a list of people or organizations suspected of crimes or of activities to undermine the society. In the case of the witch-hunt against communism in the McCarthy era, the blacklist consisted of people and organizations suspected of communist and anti-American sympathies. The original blacklist was drawn up by Senator McCarthy, but he forced people to add their own blacklists to his - and some did not even need much forcing, such as Ronald Reagan, the later US President. His blacklist meant the end of the careers of a great number of his Hollywood fellow-actors and movie makers.

In the end, a Congressional Committee scrutinized the blacklists and found them to be " a tissue of fabrications". It meant the end of McCarthy's career.

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Q: What was a blacklist How did political witch-hunts result in these lists?
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What was a blacklist how did political witch hunts result these lists?

In general, a blacklist is a list of people or organizations suspected of crimes or of activities to undermine the society. In the case of the witch-hunt against communism in the McCarthy era, the blacklist consisted of people and organizations suspected of communist and anti-American sympathies. The original blacklist was drawn up by Senator McCarthy, but he forced people to add their own blacklists to his - and some did not even need much forcing, such as Ronald Reagan, the later US President. His blacklist meant the end of the careers of a great number of his Hollywood fellow-actors and movie makers. In the end, a Congressional Committee scrutinized the blacklists and found them to be " a tissue of fabrications". It meant the end of McCarthy's career.

Can a debit collector blacklist you?

Blacklist you WHERE, with WHO?? I'm sure that debt collection agencies DO maintain lists of non-paying customers that they share between them. In addition to that the credit reporting agencies maintain their own list of non-creditworth customers.

Is shadan engineering college peerancheru under blacklist?

may be but I'm shure you r among those who bring their colleges to become part of such lists........

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North America specific: A blacklist is when Buisnesses keep lists of people who they do not want to work with. Well yes; alot of buisness owners were racist, they did not put actual blacks on the black list normally, because it either was not necessary, or they did not feel compelled to make racism a consistent policy . The most famous case of blacklisting was the way many movie studios blacklisted actors suspected of communist sympathy, refusing to provide work to Charley Chaplin and others.

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Common factors result from comparing the lists of factors of at least two integers and selecting the ones that are on both lists.

Is John cena christain?

Cena doesn't speak often about his religion or political views, but he lists himself as Catholic on his Myspace page.

What is the series of statements that express a party's beliefs?

I believe you mean a political party's platform which lists their main uniting beliefs and goals.

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An IP address that is not on a list. This is in the context of access lists, and there are two primary variants:Blacklist - block these IP addressesWhitelist - allow only these IP addressesUnlisted then means that the IP address is not in the list, which could mean either that it is blocked (if missing from a whitelist) or that it is allowed (if not on a blacklist).

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there isn't any physical things shown, only names of places and it lists the population of places and waterway names

Can graphs be the only way to organize data?

Definitely not. There are various types tables and lists, depending on what result needs to be highlighted.

How long can someone be blacklisted from opening an account?

This depends on what black list. If a Particular bank puts you on their "Blacklist" you can and should assume you will be there for ever. As to multi bank black lists, these are illeagle. But the credit rating bureaus may have an incedent or bankruptcy listed for 7 years that would prevent opening an account.

Are there any real Christian wrestlers?

John Cena doesn't speak often about his religion or political views, but he lists himself as Catholic on his Myspace page.