It was the predeccsor to the telephone, a message was created by using a series of taps.
The telograph was invented in the United States and was used mostly in the civil war
Claude Chappe
cotton gin steam engine steam boat service telograph
The most popular form of comms during WWI was threw telograph
The non-electric telegraph was invented by Claude Chappe in 1794. This system was visual and used semaphore, a flag-based alphabet, and depended on a line of sight for communication. The optical telegraph was replaced by the electric telegraph.
telograph Actually, I believe that what you are describing is stop motion. stop motion covers many different subsections including clay-mation (like Rudolph the red nose reideer movie), cutout, (southpark), graphic, model, object, pixilation, and puppetoon. -Solo
GraphicGeographyCalligraphyPhonographRadiographwhat does the root word graph mean,raph is like Radiograph.