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Q: What was fachism?
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What did Hitler and Mussolini form?

Mussolini created the fachism and Hitler created nazism and they were the two of them were called the fachism killing inoccent people like jews or criminals like mafia.

What was the final battle in Europe of world war 2?

The Battle of Berlin when the Russians were bombarding Berlin and Hitler called all boys ages 8-60 into service for their "Fuhrer". and of course the Russians won and Eisenhower saw the transition from Fachism, and the Nazi government to a Reoublic and Democracy

What are the differences between socialism and capitalism?

They are unrelated to each other, Democracy is a form of government which is chosen by the people, Capitalism is the form of society which says that everybody earns for what he works for, Socialism is the point of view which says that the government meddles with the income and living of the people (ex: unemployed people who get a job from the government),also Captalism is why Americas great and socialisism is the first step to communism and then comes fachism(prbly spelt it wrong) hpope i helped what id said is true

What are the differences between democracy capitalism and socialism?

They are unrelated to each other, Democracy is a form of government which is chosen by the people, Capitalism is the form of society which says that everybody earns for what he works for, Socialism is the point of view which says that the government meddles with the income and living of the people (ex: unemployed people who get a job from the government),also Captalism is why Americas great and socialisism is the first step to communism and then comes fachism(prbly spelt it wrong) hpope i helped what id said is true