There have been over 20 Kings named Henry in history.
You'll have to be more specific with a numeral and/or country they ruled.
Ford. It was originally King, but Ford took his stepfather's name.
The correct quote is " Men will never be free until the last king is strangled by the entrails of the last priest" ascribed to Denis Diderot
yes he was very very very very very very very .................................
dhananada was the iast king of nanda dynasty
The country where the last name Burton originated is England. This name is used as a last name as well as a first name and means from the fortified town.
Catherine Parr
To which of the eight Henrys do you refer?
The NAme of henrys first son was Henry
Last name king in Irish
There have been 8 King Henrys in the UK alone
Catherine of Aragon.
Why, Anne Boleyn of course! (-:
archeologists and scientists don't really know what king tut's last name was or if egyptians even had last names for that matter.
From 1587-89